The Trustees of Tarbert Castle Trust acknowledge the invaluable and seemingly limitless technical help, grant assistance, and miscellaneous support which the Trust receives from logo organisations, visitors, and Tarbert residents and businesses, together with all the hard work invested, in all weathers, by the Castle's team of expert volunteers - who continue to devote time and effort to the project on a regular basis.
The following is a mere sample of the ever-growing list of organisations which have supported the Trust over the years, and for whose assistance we are eternally grateful:-
- Argyll & Bute Council
- Awards for All (Scotland)
- Co-op
- Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland
- European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
- FERN Community Funds (Cour Windfarm Community Benefit Fund)
- Forestry Commission Scotland
- National Lottery Heritage Fund (formerly Heritage Lottery Fund)
- Highlands & Islands Enterprise (Argyll & the Islands)
- Historic Environment Scotland
- Infinis
- Kilmartin House Museum
- Leader
- NHS Highland (Argyll & Bute Health & Wellbeing Network)
- NatureScot (formerly Scottish Natural Heritage)
- Paths for All
- Scottish Government
- Tarbert & Skipness Community Trust
- Tarbert Harbour (Tarbert (Loch Fyne) Harbour Authority)
- Tesco
Plan what to see in Tarbert with an itinerary including Tarbert Castle