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Bringing History and Nature to Life


Argyll + Bute, Scotland, PA29 6UD

Newsletter No.22 - Spring 2021

Added at 01:20 on 30 October 2021



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We care for

a part of Scotland’s history

which belongs to our community

Newsletter No.22
Spring 2021


The draft final report prepared by our archaeologist Roddy Regan can be viewed on our web site.  This is a final pre-publication draft, because Covid-19 has delayed some expert technical reports which will be incorporated in due course.

We have already presented the project to various groups who requested before lockdown, and still hope to have, a public presentation in Tarbert as soon as Covid allows.


We now have a dedicated Donations page on our website, accessed by clicking on “Support our Work” at  At the castle itself, displayed QR codes1 will give visitors quick access to the page.

Members and visitors can choose a donation amount, and can pay with Paypal or Bank Transfer for internet banking.  Any member who is able to make a donation is welcome to test the facility by donating an amount  - large or small.  Every little helps.  :-)

We hope that the Donations page will maintain funds in the future, and we're working on the development of an on-site contactless donation facility in our new interpretation area. 

Needless to say, the pandemic lockdowns have decimated donations from visitors, but the new flag is now up, and it's ready to welcome the return of visitors this spring.





We're pleased to report that, despite Covid-19, and thanks to some careful planning and social distancing, our on-site maintenance work has continued.  Our sheep have survived the winter with the loss of just one of the oldest girls. 

With the planting of another hundred trees, volunteers have completed a new 105 metre path, running the whole way around the pond in the Community Woodland.  The path now forms a circular walk around the woodland and through the previously planted trees, which are maturing nicely.

Our thanks go to Tarbert Academy, which helped us with this project by donating some spare gravel.


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We will re-commence our work parties on the first Saturday of the month from May onwards.  10.00 am at the castle, but please continue to bring your own tea break materials for the time being.  We do have hand, and tool, sanitiser on-site, and social distancing will continue meantime.  All are welcome to pay us a visit.


Keep safe,



1.  QR Codes  -  see


Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Charity No. SC043056
Secretary & Treasurer: Robert McPhail MBE, Sonamarg, Ileene Rd, Tarbert, Argyll, PA29 6TU

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